Re: [DSII] Genre
From: John Crimmins <johncrim@v...>
Date: Sat, 20 Feb 1999 20:31:48 -0500
Subject: Re: [DSII] Genre
At 05:23 PM 2/20/99 -0600, you wrote:
>Plenty of Pan-European Fencers around; not my favorite, but I couldn't
>them on sale. I've two in-blister.
>Also three Mark V's out of blister (one painted, others not), or is it
>(only enough weopens for two of 'em, but easy enough to bash)? And one
of the
>rare Mark III's.
>Anyway, I'll probably try to use one of the V's and a Fencer as
temptation to
>draw contestants to a DSII tourney in the fall at Tactikhan in Denver.
>decided what would be interesting for FTII participants. Maybe some old
>of SpaceFleet 'nids and Imperials. Have a few of those...
I've got, lemme see now...four Fencers, 5 Mark Vs (two of them painted,
ealthough one is a Grenadier figure)), 4 Mark III's, one Mark IV (don't
ask), and four of the old-style "Demolisher" tanks, which are certainly
Ogre sized, if not shaped. Plus three robots from Grenadier's
line, that look like Mark I's. No, none are for sale. I just like
about them....
My Ogre minis (Paneueopean) were the first microarmor I ever painted.
red and black paint scheme is not in line with my current habits or
but nostalgia demands that I paint anything new that I acquire to match.
Out of curiousity, how do people write up Ogres, anyway? They don't fit
with the Illuminati doctrine (Ogres leave LOTS of physcial traces), but
should paint one up for them anyway--just as a nod to their origin.
4 Tread modules--Size 5 Each,
Front Hull--Size 7: 2 Class 5 MDC (fixed), 3 Mass Driver RAM Batteries
Rear Hull--Size 7: Superior ADS System, 3 GMS/H systems.
This requires sharing space between modules for some systems, though,
I'm not sure if that's legal. It's not really faithful to the way that
"real" Ogre works (I could *not* figure out how to fit the Secondary
Batteries, despite much effort), but that doesn't bother me--if I want
game with real Ogres, I'll play Ogre miniatures.
John X Crimmins
" one of the secret masters of the world: a librarian.
They control information. Don't ever piss one off."
--Spider Robinson, The Callahan Touch.