Re: [URL] Latest GZG Advert
From: Brian Bell <bkb@b...>
Date: Mon, 08 Feb 1999 16:27:22 -0500
Subject: Re: [URL] Latest GZG Advert
When I stated, I purchased only ships under Cruiser mass (as they
provide more
than one ship per blister). Since I was providing all the ships for the
I could name the Destroyers as Capitals, Firgates as Cruisers, and
Corvettes as
Escorts. This worked great. Also, when I gamed against other players
larger ships, it still worked, because my range was still in proportion
itself. The only problem came when I needed to play in a game with more
one player on my side.
Thomas Anderson wrote:
> On Wed, 3 Feb 1999, Ground Zero Games wrote:
> > We have a number of regular visitors to our stand at the shows (I
> > call them "customers", because that would imply that they buy
> > something....) who are very fond of saying "Hey, why don't you make
> > (insert odd or obscure item of choice here), that'd be really
good!". What
> > they actually mean is, "If you spent a lot of money and time getting
> > sculpted and into production, I MIGHT buy ONE, if I haven't started
> > collecting something else entirely by then....."
> yeah! what you should start doing is 1/1000 nanoarmour, or, even
> microships - where a BB is a couple of inches long and costs 1 pound;
> i could afford a proper fleet rather than "oops, forgot the escorts;
> there goes the battlecruiser".
> Tom