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[URL] GZG at GenCon has 1999 Info

From: agoodall@i... (Allan Goodall)
Date: Sat, 06 Feb 1999 20:09:58 GMT
Subject: [URL] GZG at GenCon has 1999 Info

I have updated the Ground Zero Games at GenCon web site. Some of you may
remembered the site from late last year. Well, the site has been updated
data for this year's convention.

The changes made are:
- The site has been changed to add GenCon 1999 info.
- The list of events that we will be running at GenCon this summer has
added to the list. So, before the programme book is even out, you can
find out
what FT, FTFB, SG2 and DS2 events will be run at the conventions.
- I have changed the format of the site so that it will be MUCH
friendlier for
people who's display is set at 640 x 480.

Coming soon to the site will be the rules for this year's Full Thrust

The GenCon 1998 stuff is still on the site, including pictures from the
Tournament and my Ork Hill SG2 scenario.

To go directly to the site, the URL is:

However, an easier way ot get there is to go to Goodall's Grotto, and
on the "GZG at GenCon" link. Goodall's Grotto can be found at:

Keep watching the GZG at GenCon site throughout the year as more info
will be
posted. After the convention, photographs of GZG and Geo-Hex events will
be up
there, too.

Allan Goodall
Goodall's Grotto:

"Surprisingly, when you throw two naked women with sex
toys into a living room full of drunken men, things 
always go bad." - Kyle Baker, "You Are Here"

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