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Re: [SG] Hammer's Slammer's Weaponry

From: Adrian Johnson <ajohnson@i...>
Date: Fri, 05 Feb 1999 15:27:38 -0500
Subject: Re: [SG] Hammer's Slammer's Weaponry

>Now that GZG has thoughtfully put out Hammer's Slammers vehicles,
>does anyone have any thoughts on how infantry small arms
>powerguns translate into Stargrunt?
>I assume any data for DS vehicles
>may be taken as canonical?
>The major complication, as I see it, is that (according to the
>books), the powergun discharges ALL its energy on the first thing
>it hits (eg, a leaf). Would infantry carried powerguns have
>difficulty penetrating any sort of cover?
>Always questions. . .

As you've said, the powerguns discharge all their energy on the first
they hit.  But they discharge a *LOT* of energy.  Yes, a single shot
not "penetrate" cover (say, a sandbag emplacement) - penetrate as in the
projectile going in one side and going out the other...  But because of
huge amound of energy released, they'd
slag/burn/vapourize/explode/otherwise-punch-a-big-hole-in most cover.
Remember the Slammer's tanks' main guns were used as anti-starship
- powerguns do *heaps* of damage.  I seem to remember the infantry
firing in bursts - in a three round burst against a target hiding behind
tree, you'd have the first and second hits obliterating the tree and the
third taking out the target.

The problem I see with the Slammer's weapons in the GZG world
in SGII) is that a single hit with an infantier's powergun (rifle) would
totally slag most of the common types of personal armour - maybe not PA,
and if stretching maybe not the full-suit hardshell armour like the NSL
heavy infantry wear - but with any of the others, the armour won't
the wearer.  You'd end up with a very high Impact - at least d12, but it
should probably be higher if the "dramatic value" of powergun hits from
books is translated into game mechanics...

Is there anything in the GZG world like the "iridium" (I think??)
super-armour from the Slammer's books?


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