Small ships and SMLS & Killing Torp armed fleets.....
From: Charles Choukalos <chuckc@b...>
Date: Fri, 05 Feb 1999 10:59:09 -0500
Subject: Small ships and SMLS & Killing Torp armed fleets.....
I'll throw in my .02 in the matter. I'm a big fan of the SML system. I
think that you can really kick butt with them. However the majority of
my games we don't see speeds above 20 really, unless you're running
This is precisely why SML's kick butt so well. Part of the reason was
that we played fix map ( we really didn't have much area to play on... )
as such you had to keep your fleet in the boundries. With an SML fleet
you really need to max out the number of missles you can launch. I feel
that 2 salvo's is enough... they usually never get out more then that.
In the archives I posted my JFK class free cal tex missle cruiser....
"Kicks ass man...". Anyway, I found that making missle boats worked
pretty well.... that is assuming that your opponents fly slow and don't
do the adfc tricks.
If you keep the speeds low... my opponents solution was to still stick
with the big SDN's ( actually I don't think he every used anything
smaller then a light cruiser... ). Tack on armor, 6+pds/ship, some
class-1's, and 1+ adfc per ship. Keep the formation tight so that you
overlap adfc coverage on your leading ships. Lead with one or two ships
and make sure that your formation is tight enough that all of the other
pds fire can cover those two ships. Put on class-3 beams for your
fire... And like me... you'll discover that if your opponent sucks it
up... he'll really nuter your salvos crunch potential... usually what I
started to find was that my weak hulled missle boats would empty their
racks and at best I'd have 1 possibly 2 destroyed enemy ships... I would
have little to no fire power against a lot o'beam armed ships chugging
on me... usually it'd be messey or I'd flee. The weak hulled ships tend
to take thresholds easily and go boom or are forced to stick around to
boom. I didn't play around much with adding fighters to the mix.
However I'd suspect that if he sucked up the fighter attacks for your
2 rounds (or possibly 3 rounds ) of sml fire... he could then clean them
up really fast. Then what... you've got maybe a handful of wimpy beams
against a lot of fire power...
If your opponent goes the speed route. and sticks to 24+ speeds (I play
cinematic... I assume vector would be similar... maybe a lower speed the
effects start to enter into play?), you'll find that you start missing a
lot.. his ships just arn't there...... and you're not in range or
arc a lot to do the shooting at him.... kinda sucks sitting there at
range 60" trying to figure out when his ships are going to buzz by close
enough to the 24-30" point to make smling effective.... usually they
around and you might tag one or 2 of them.... Usually you do diddly and
he mopps you up. ( last 2 games of SML fleet against buzzers in my new
Condo... aka no space limits anymore... showed this to me... )
Torps guys::
Okay I visited this a lot and still go back and forth with this issue a
lot. Torps are really cool... but the range sucks... you need to be a
good die roller if you're engaging your enemy at range > 18". I found
that I couldn't hit very well beyond that range ( okay so I'm a mediocer
die roller ). Inside 18" you're nasty. If your opponent is a number
cruncher, he'll be loaded with class-2 beams... and he'll mostly be
history if you're doing screens. However, if your opponent builds ships
similar to yours, but gives them a thrust advantage and class-3/4
beams... well it starts to get a little interesting. I had one game
where my thrust-2 BB's with pulse torps were getting scratched to death
by the class-3/4 beam dd/cruiser fleet of my opponent... he only had
thrust - 4, but most of the passes I was around 20" or so... I never got
a shot off in my sweet spot (< 18" ). Any opponent that got within 18"
or so usually got anhilated by the massive torp fire. Mixed fleets with
better thrust then I and class-3 beams/ftr's tended to do fairly well
against the torp fleets. I ended up designing torps ships with
thrust-4,avg hull, screen-1, high levels of armor, 4+pds/each, 2
class-2's, (eventially 1 adfc... when my opponents started smling...)
as many 3 arc torps as I could. I stuck with mass 100+. They were
pretty bad ass... however you just don't have the range... I can't count
the number of times I'd get whittled down by long range beam fire that I
really couldn't awnser too very effectively. I tried go to screen-2....
but being that defensive you don't have enough massed torp firepower....
you open yourself up to him doing the close and use his more massive
firepower against you. Either way, I ended up mixing and matching.
Class-3 beams with Torps are even switches. I went to 2-3 torps / large
ship, 2-3 class-3 beams, and then put in a couple o'class-2 beams if
possible and voila... serious balanced fleets... not quite as
overwhelming as before but pretty nasty. ( I like big ships ... they
don't take those annoying thresholds as offen as the small crunchies...
Anyway, try opposing him with a thrust advantage and class-3/4 beams...
ditch the class-2 beams... they get you to close to within his crunch
zone. Depending upon his pdaf coverage... try fighters... if he's smart
and does the adfc and tight formations... the fighters won't really do
much for the mass... just snip and buzz at speed.