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Re: hello

From: Thomas Anderson <thomas.anderson@u...>
Date: Fri, 5 Feb 1999 15:57:02 +0000 (GMT)
Subject: Re: hello

On Fri, 5 Feb 1999, Alan E & Carmel J Brain wrote:

> Thomas Anderson wrote:
> > however, they do still take a lot more work to deal with than good
> > beams and torps. i'm not sure they were a balanced addition to the
FB. but
> > then, what do i know?
> Being fair, 2 of the NSL Attack fleets had Waldenburg-Ms in them (mine
> had 7), but although I scored 1.00 with my defence and patrol fleets,
> attack fleet scored .000. Basically, too many ADAFs ( 20 or so was the
> usual, fleet size 2750 pts) and too many banzai jammers.

fair enough. i get the impression ADFC/PDS provides much more effective
area-defence than the old ADAF.

> Summary: not unbalanced, just a new set of problems for everyone to
> with.

i appreciate this now; the fact that SMs require a different defensive
approach to beams/torps is not a bad thing; it's a good thing - it means
one shp / fleet / tactic will never work for all enemies.

> (I _LIKE_ this game!!)

me too! every time i think i've seen a flaw, i look again and either
been fixed or i realise my assumptions were wrong. still, it's been in
development since 1973, no?


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