Re: hello
From: Thomas Anderson <thomas.anderson@u...>
Date: Thu, 4 Feb 1999 18:36:17 +0000 (GMT)
Subject: Re: hello
On Thu, 5 Nov 1998, cgray wrote:
> why build big ships ?? I have been decimating the other players with
> 20 and 30 ton vessels armed with SML and ER missles or just loaded
> fighter bays ??
i think this is an SM issue, not a ship-size issue. the SM has, i
proven to be a bit of a bugbear. for novices, they are vastly more
powerful than any other weapon system; once you get some experience
against them, and talk to people who have played against the, you figure
out how to beat them - move fast to make his aiming harder, jink like
crazy, fit plenty of PDS and ADFC and surround your capitals with
expendable sponge corvettes to be the "nearest target".
however, they do still take a lot more work to deal with than good old
beams and torps. i'm not sure they were a balanced addition to the FB.
then, what do i know?
> at about 100 per ships I get about 8 for every large ship
> they bring in so I hit them with either 8 salvos of SML or 16
squadrons of
> fighters what gives here is it something we are missing or.....maybe
> ships arent designed well any help would be appreciated
well, the size of the ships doesn't affect the amount of firepower you
- you may get eight times as many ships, but he gets eight times more
stuff per ship. also bear in mind that his ADFC will be more effective,
putting one on every ship will only need one-eighth as many.