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Re: [FT] OFFICIAL RULING REQUEST (was Re: Couple of questions)

From: "Oerjan Ohlson" <oerjan.ohlson@t...>
Date: Thu, 4 Feb 1999 19:06:58 +0100
Subject: Re: [FT] OFFICIAL RULING REQUEST (was Re: Couple of questions)

-MWS- wrote in reply to Laserlight:

> > Your example here is not exactly right because you neglected the 
> > possibility of PDS killing more missiles than are on target, which
> > when taken into effect increases the  average damage.  No time to
> > work out the figures right now but the effect should be fairly
> You're right, but the effect is larger than I would have thought.
> matrix sum to work out the figures manually, a salvo missile against 1

> PDS has an actual average damage of 3.078 dice for 10.77 points of 
> damage -  instead of the 2.7 dice/points I originally estimated. 

This is wrong. I'm not sure where you went wrong, but if you ignore the
PDS re-rolls in your matrix below you'll find that on average 103/36 =
2.861 missiles manage to lock on and get past the single PDS; 2.861*3.5
10.014. I'd find it very strange if the PDS re-rolls *increase* the
damage :-/

I got the average SM salvo damage vs 1 PDS to 9.75, which is a 3.2%
increase from the "intuitively expected" value.

Here's the matrix again:

> S/P| 1  2  3	4  5  6
> ---+-----------------   
>  1 | 1  1  1	0  0  0
>  2 | 2  2  2	1  1  0
>  3 | 3  3  3	2  2  1, reroll PDS
>  4 | 4  4  4	3  3  2, reroll PDS
>  5 | 5  5  5	4  4  3, reroll PDS
>  6 | 6  6  6	5  5  4, reroll PDS

The difference between the real and the "expected" averages increase
you add more PDS - vs 2 PDS, I got the average damage to 7.62 (+14.5%),
vs 3 PDS it seems to be 5.84 (+51.7%). I didn't have time to
these results, but they're at least lower than what they would be
the PDS re-rolls - I take that as a good sign <g>

Kevin's point about overloading the point defences is very true as well.
If you compare an SMR salvo with two MT-style missiles (same Mass, same
cost), you have to pit the SM salvo against twice the number of PDSs as
each MT missile meets - eg, if the target has 2 PDS the SM salvo would
inflict on average 7.62 pts compared to the 7 the MT missiles together
would (each one is shot at by a single PDS), ie +8.9%. Against 3 PDS the
SM salvo would inflict 5.84 pts compared to the 5.25 of the MT missiles

Since I haven't calculated the true average SM damage vs 4 PDS per salvo
I can't carry the comparision further, but... well, if the enemy has
many PDS, you probably shouldn't use any weapon vulnerable to it <g>

I submit that the extra range and (particularly) the ability of the MT
missiles to attack other targets than the closest one compensates for
slightly reduced damage compared to the SMs :-/


Oerjan Ohlson

"Life is like a sewer.
  What you get out of it, depends on what you put into it."
- Hen3ry

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