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[SGII] Random thoughts on Colonials

From: "John M. Atkinson" <john.m.atkinson@e...>
Date: Thu, 04 Feb 1999 10:00:34 -0500
Subject: [SGII] Random thoughts on Colonials

I'm not trying to get that gun-control discussion started again, but I
think it's fairly self-evident that for new colonies in ecosystems where
the local predators havn't learned to fear humans yet, and there might
not be enough military and law enforcement personell to go around, it
makes good sense for the colonists to be armed.  

It seems to me that for those nations concerned about revolts, and
wishing to retain the ability to disarm these colonists should it become
necessary (like, after you went an imposed a tax on computor datachips
or tea or something else vital), the ideal Colonial weapon would be
laser rifles or carbines.  We see that the impact of the laser sniper
rifle is low (d6), it's unlikely any other laser weapons would be any
better.  Not a real problem when shooting at wild animals, criminals
(unlikely to be equipped with military body armor), and colonists of
rival powers, but grave difficulty penetrating the armor of Regulars
with full body armor.  Very accurate, even in the hands of relatively
inexperienced shots, especially since it could include a low-power
spotting mode (Button you press with your thumb puts a red dot on the
target, trigger just ups the setting).	And it uses power packs which
can be recharged from the solar cells on the roof of your cabin.  Likely
to be FP 1, Imp d6.  Downside is that repairing it if it gets broken is
likely to be a bit difficult.  

As a secondary note, the NRE prefers to sell subsidized 7mm ETC assault
rifles, on the grounds of ammo commonality with Akritai and formal
militias.  Of course, their ideal is that any settlement would have a
formal militia structure as well.  

John M. Atkinson

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