RE: [FT] Pics page updated
From: "Tim Jones" <Tim.Jones@S...>
Date: Thu, 4 Feb 1999 08:08:28 -0000
Subject: RE: [FT] Pics page updated
>I dunno, Tim - you might cry just as much when I tell you that
>I print my own
>decals at home on my ALPS MD-1000 thermal ink printer . . .
No I'm not crying, I thought (hoped) they were home print decals.
Do you use walthers decal paper? You are right about the
ALPs their ink isn't too wet and they are less prone to fading
than normal ink-jets as well.
If you could let me have a synopsis of your decal technique off line
I would like to add it to the painting faq.
-= tim jones =-