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Re: [SG] NAC SAS rescues hostage from sword-wielding peasants [l

From: Paul Lesack <lesack@u...>
Date: Tue, 02 Feb 1999 11:05:14 -0800
Subject: Re: [SG] NAC SAS rescues hostage from sword-wielding peasants [l

Thomas Barclay wrote:
> Paul spake thusly upon matters weighty:

> > The game consisted of the following:
> > 2 3-man teams of New Anglian Confederation SAS (Cheryl)
> Vets or Elite? Armaments?

Elites! Leader 1! Robotic Supermen!

They had (whichever manufacture) Advanced Combat rifles without
GLs (Firepower 2), while the FSE had Firepower 3 weapons. (ACR
w/GL). No SAW.
> > 2 3-man teams of green and regular Federal Stats Europa Free
> > Quebeckers
> Hmm. I think the FSE will have nada to do with Quebecois, but I would
> imagine Le Quebecois Libre to be persisting on some annoying
> backwater worlds (like the Free Scots, the southerners, and the other
> groups of malcontents/freedom fighters/etc). I could see the FSE
> selling them weapons (historically, France has sold to just about
> everyone) and supporting them only where FSE interests were
> DIRECTLY at stake.

Well, I like the look of the FSE, and the idea of French fighting
English appeals to me as a Canadian. It gives me a chance to
stick fleur-de-lys on my vehicles. I figure that the "Quebecois"
are actually an old, historically French Canadian unit that
defected a long time ago and the bame just stuck.

I was thinking of putting the red ensign on my NAC vehicles,
seeing as Canada would be back to its old "colonial" state.
> To kill the SAS, you need ambush capability, or double blind play -
> to let your locals get in range. Try giving the locals some booby
> traps. That might wound/slow the SAS. Give the FSE a couple of CDMs
> to position. That might make quite a difference without upping the
> strength of the FSE force.

My thoughts exactly. However, for the first try, I wanted to see
how much of a turkey shoot it would be.

By careful positioning I could also force the SAS to close
assault the unit armed with swords. With a large enough numeric
superiority, they might actually be able to take one or two of
them out.
> Who was the hostage?

a) A Ral Partha unarmed female fantasy miniature in flowing robes


b)The governor of the province, who was kidnapped by the local
low-tech yahoos. The locals hired the cheaper, less well trained
mercs (FSE), while the government hired the best they could
afford (NAC). 

Obviously I have not been influenced by David Drake.

Also, two custom sculpted rabbits looked on.


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