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Re: Rules for BFG/FT Conversion.

From: "Oerjan Ohlson" <oerjan.ohlson@t...>
Date: Sat, 30 Jan 1999 11:42:20 +0100
Subject: Re: Rules for BFG/FT Conversion.

Mark wrote:

> > Have you considered using MT missiles for torps?  And perhaps using
> > EFSB "Heavy Beam Weapon" for the Lances?  I don't know about the
> > mechanics, but the HBW certainly fits my idea of an energy lance.
>	Well, In BFG, torps fire in salvos.  So the SBM are the safest

BFG torps behave very differently from either MT missiles or SMs (...SBM
is a long-range *Starfire* weapon, though - you mean SML, don't you?
In BFG, torps...
* Travel in a straight line at approx. 2-3 times the speed of the
* Have infinite range
* Inflict relatively little damage when they hit.

The first point sounds similar to MT missiles, but the other two aren't
like any FT weapon. I suspect you'll have to invent things from scratch
here (or snatch the BFG mechanics!)

All in all, I'm a bit confused about adapting FT to emulate a game which
hasn't been published yet. It seems to me that it'd be tricky to know
what you aim for... Oh well <shrug>


Oerjan Ohlson

"Life is like a sewer.
  What you get out of it, depends on what you put into it."
- Hen3ry

Prev: Re: [FT] K'rathri in the Tuffleyverse (was Re: making list) Next: Re: Stealth, with feeling. (looong)