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Re: Rules for BFG/FT Conversion.

From: devans@u...
Date: Thu, 28 Jan 1999 12:01:45 -0600
Subject: Re: Rules for BFG/FT Conversion.

The noble John Crimmins sez:
The sail rules could be interesting...I can see putting a "sun" in the
center of the board (it wouldn't have to be absurdly large--planets that
I have seen on FT boards haven't been at all to scale either) with the
wind radiating out from the sun.  It would be a bit complex, but it
would make for an interesting game.

The original Spacefleet used varying 'winds'; I know the solar wind
as to strength, but have trouble imagining varying direction unless
introduced by large (planetary) bodies. Over the battle field, smaller
a system, or perhaps outside a system, the wind was one direction across
the board. From Napoleon sail games, I like varying wind, but suggest
should only vary slightly from a predominate direction (towards the

I hope we can not bring up the discussion about 'how do you tack in a
wind?'. *shudder*

I'm not sure how to make it less lethal to the rammer--half damage if
the ship has a prow ram, perhaps?  I don't have the rules in front of
me, and I'm not sure how they work as is.

I'd see the prow as a form of directional armor; perhaps renewable
turns. The amount of damage the prow can absorb would vary with the size
ship. It could even be defined as by size for a design system.

Again, though, let's not talk about the difficulties imagining ships
actually tiny dots on our tabletops, lumbering, trying to get close
to do a ram.

Someone complained about Star Trek as science fiction, and I knew just
they meant. However, ST is lazy 'hard sci-fi' (sic), with an utopian
agenda; GW is fantasy sci-fi.

As for the background, especially the older stuff, of course you love
They DID steal from the best. ;->=


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