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[FT] rerolls for anti-fighter fire query

From: "The end of the bottomeless pit is a body-length and a half down." <KOCHTE@s...>
Date: Sat, 23 Jan 1999 08:47:42 -0500 (EST)
Subject: [FT] rerolls for anti-fighter fire query

Got a question for ya:

Noam-meister and I got together last evening for a game of FT (an AAR
will be posted later when I get some time to write it up). The basic
of it is the scenario we played was an NI (New Israeli) vs NAC encounter
(a 'wargames' scenario). Noam's NI ships use something he's been working
on developing called 'stealth'. Ask him for the details, but in a nut-
shell what it does is reduce the effective range of your weapons (again,
ask Noam for the details; I dont remember 'xactly how it reduces range;
it was late last night and I'm trying to block out the slaughter the NAC
suffered ;). Anyway, a situation came up with regards to rerolls of
fighter weapons and 'armored' fighters.

Noam's fighters were all 'stealth-2', which meant they acted as doubly-
heavy fighters, or fighters with level-2 screens. I wasn't happy
this when they came at me (3 squadrons of them; natch my
group had no carriers, but luckily I had a Furious CE - for what little
did for me). This means that rolls of 4 have no effect, and rolls of 5
6 only take out 1 fighter (I was rolling a LOT of 1s and 3s that whole
Now a 6 will allow for a reroll, and the first time I got a reroll roll
hit (rolled a second 6! :), we weren't exactly sure how to handle it.
the reroll do 'straight' damage (ie, take out whatever number of
fighters it
would normally do), or does it go against the fighters as if they are
screened? (ie, in this case, only 1 ftr killed on a 5 or 6)  We opted
the latter interpretation. 

How would this work against standard heavy fighters? The way we
it, or...?  (if this was covered in the recent heavy fighter thread, I

"Who am I? I am Susan Ivanova. Commander. Daughter of Andre and Sophie
Ivanov. I am the Right Hand of Vengeance...and the boot that is going
to kick your sorry ass all the way back to Earth, sweetheart. I am Death
incarnate. And the last living thing you are _ever_...going to see.

"God sent me."
				      - Ivanova, "Between the Darkness
						      and the Light"

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