Re: SW4 (and changing NI in the Tuffleyverse)
From: "John M. Atkinson" <john.m.atkinson@e...>
Date: Wed, 20 Jan 1999 14:17:52 -0500
Subject: Re: SW4 (and changing NI in the Tuffleyverse)
Izenberg, Noam wrote:
> I'm pretty sure that NI would lend a hand in such an endeavor, but
> again, I'm playing New Israel's advocate here. The NI of the late 22nd
> and early 23rd century does _not_ have a blood feud with the IF, at
They might not. I'm not so sure the Islamic Federation is of the same
> least the way I would like to write the future history. Between John,
> Laserlight, and me, I've built a picutre of a fractured, only
> occasionally organized IF that is, in fact, geographically not very
Well, it's more cohesive than, say, OPEC, but less so than, say, the
> close to NI or its associated worlds (excpet for New Jordan and
> the ex-colony of Tzfat). NI at 'current' time is content with
Tzfat? Who's Tzfat? Is this another one I need to put up, or is this
something NI grabbed from the IF?
> As for lack of web presence, That's true of NI as well. I hope I can
> remedy that someday.
No problem. . . I might be able to whip something up subject to your
John M. Atkinson