Re: Union of Border Worlds
From: Los <los@c...>
Date: Tue, 19 Jan 1999 09:22:44 -0800
Subject: Re: Union of Border Worlds
Not to give away the boat, but in teh next Rot hafen Chapter you will
see some political moves that cover a similar move within the NAC/NSL/UN
heirarchy. wrote:
> Hi,
> I would like to hear any ideas you have on the fallowing:
> Union of Border Worlds
> The Union was created after the start of the Kra'Vak invasion
> when Space
> Marshall Devin Marshall of NAC Royal Navy. Appalled by the lack of
> concern
> for the well fair of these the people who lived in the "outback"
> region of the
> Confederation decided to take matters into his own hands.
> Using the resources of Marshall Interstellar Transportation
> (MIT) operated by
> Sara Marshall (his sister) he set up operations in Gawain protecting
> that
> system from pirates that would raid the shipping that came into the
> system for
> use by other systems. When Gawain declared its independence from the
> NAC,
> they blockaded the system. Gawain is a system with strong
> agricultural
> resources that the rest of the region depends on. Five other systems
> - two
> NAC, one FSE and one ESU - declared there independence from there
> parent
> states and formed there own alliance, thus the Union of Border Wolds
> was
> formed.
> This is a political faction that I'm curentaly working on devloping,
> any ideas
> and/or comments would be helpfull.
> Thanks
> Bye
> Stephen