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Re: [FT] Sensors

From: Laserlight <laserlight@c...>
Date: Sun, 10 Jan 1999 23:40:13 -0500
Subject: Re: [FT] Sensors

From: Jon Davis <>

(snip easy, simple, in fact downright brilliant sensor rules suggestion)

>If you rolled for sensors as beam weapons with rerolls added and
>ECM acts as level-1 (basic), level-2 (enhanced), level-3 (superior)
>0 hits   No information
>1 hit	  Mass/TMF only and whether Mil or Civilian
>2 hits   Mass, Drives, Screens,  Structure
>3 hits   Data on all onboard systems as undamaged
>4+ hits  As above but all ship details including damage

I'd define it as:
0: sensor ghost, position uncertain
1: mass, active drive, and position established, firing solution
2: ship class identified (if previously on file), screens, PDS, ADFC and
fire controls detected
3: individual ship identified (if previously on file), original
SSD known
4: as above but damage known

I suppose we'd call Individual ECM the same as stealth?

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