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Re: Snow!

From: Samuel Reynolds <reynol@p...>
Date: Mon, 28 Dec 1998 19:07:38 -0700
Subject: Re: Snow!

>On Sun, 27 Dec 1998 11:16:58 -0700, Samuel Reynolds
>>Well, if the primary targetting systems are lasers, the snow
>>could cause a downward shift in targetting die. 
>Hmm, I'd disagree. A HEL powerful enough to do damage to an armoured
>isn't going to be significantly degraded by snow, even in a blizzard.
I didn't say the HEL would be degraded. I said the
*targetting* would be degraded. If you get the HEL
on target, even heavy snow in the air would have
little effect on the damage it does. You'd still
draw the same number of chits, and have the same
   But the smaller lasers in the targetting system
(for whatever weapon) could be significantly degraded.
So instead of a D10 (superior FC), you might roll D8
or D6. Then if the attacker's die would drop below D4
you increase the target's defense die, instead.
>>Perhaps for every
>>two levels of (snow + wind), downgrade targetting die by one.
>>Of course, this would affect *all* weapons that use optical
>>targetting--laser sights, iron sights, etc. SODAR would be
>>similarly affected, but radar would not.
>Maybe use it for laser sighting, but I wouldn't for HELs. Maybe someone
>experience using laser sighting equipment in snow could jump in here.
As I said, it would affect the *targetting* die, not
the *effect*.
I might also penalize infantry firing into the wind in
some way. It's *hard* to aim when you have snow blowing
in your face! (Even in a closed helmet, I'd imagine.) It'd
have a greater effect on visibility, blowing in the eyes or
blasting the goggles or faceplate.
- Sam

Samuel Reynolds

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