RE: DS Conversions
From: "Glover, Owen" <oglover@m...>
Date: Fri, 18 Dec 1998 08:27:58 +1000
Subject: RE: DS Conversions
Well thank you kindly. I've already leeched a few utilities off this
excellent site. The SHP file editor is great. I'm hoping to recreate all
standard GZG vehicle images this way. However it is teh conversion of
for weapons types and in particular Grav and Power Armour that has me
The ability to change the National Flag displays is great!
I must admit I haven't contacted Wild Bill's team direct yet.
Thanks for the response.
For those out there that haven't seen Steel Panthers I or II, I'd HIGHLY
recommend it.
Owen G
-----Original Message-----
From: Chen-Song Qin []
Sent: Friday, 18 December 1998 7:08
To: 'gzg-l@CSUA.Berkeley.EDU'
Subject: Re: DS Conversions
Now that would be a wonderful idea. Have you seen the Steel Panthers II
WW2 modification? That involved changing a lot of SHP files as well as
stats. You can probably ask them about it.
The WW2 mod is on
Just goto the Wild Bill's Raiders section. I bet they have e-mail
addresses of the people who worked on WWII, and they'll probably have
advice for you.
Even the engineers are not *this* depraved. This must be the work of
Med. students.
- A friend of mine
On Thu, 17 Dec 1998, Glover, Owen wrote:
> OK a question for some of you out there. has anyone work up a
> for converting the DS vehicles and weapons to the computer game Steel
> Panthers II? I'm in the process of doing this and would like to avoid
> of hack work if someone else has trodden this path.
> Waiting in anticipatiion,
> Owen G