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Re: [DS] [SG2] GMS launchers

From: "John M. Atkinson" <john.m.atkinson@e...>
Date: Wed, 16 Dec 1998 00:06:46 -0800
Subject: Re: [DS] [SG2] GMS launchers

Thomas Barclay wrote:

> > GMS/L is Dragon/Javelin size/weight.  GMS/P doesn't exist today. 
> > got the same penetration as an IVAR.  So it's really just a
> > warhead with a sustainment motor and a better guidance system. 
> > teams are two-man crews of Dragon equivelant, as they have more
> Your basing this comment on today. I guess I just don't agree. Yes,
> the GMS/P has the same penetration as an IAVR. But what penetration
> does an IAVR have? IAVR is man portable unguided AV rocket. GMS/P is

Whatever can be gotten out of a small, man-portable, short-range,
unguided rocket.  Same as today.  And exactally the same as a GMS/P.  If
a GMS/P was equivelant to a Dragon weight-wise, where is it all going? 
The sustainment motor isn't that heavy, nor is a guidance package. 

> man portable anti vehicle rocket with guidance. That much I agree
> with. But where do you take from that set of facts that GMS/L is a
> Dragon/Javelin? It requires a team and IIRC a mount of some type -
> tripod for example. That to me smacks of a futuristic TOW launcher.

Dragon is on a bipod, and is usually used in 2-man teams, gunner and
I'm also thinking weight-wise.	TOWs are, as we've heard testimony from
one who should know, just barely man-portable.	And that's if you've got
the LT humping a rocket, right?  A platoon gets 2 launchers and 12
missles into position.	Wow.  Six-man crew per launcher.  IOW, just
barely "man-portable", so one would normally never see them off their
Hummers.  Yet GMS/Ls are, while heavier than an IVAR, man-portable, like

> FWIW, in my TO&Es, I equip richer troops with GMS/P, poorer with
> IAVR. They are man portable. (by a man). GMS/L is a support section
> weapon with a crew of 2-4, like a light version of a TOW. GMS/H is a
> huge anti-armour missile, like a fattened up TOW. This is required by
> the high level of armour carried by vehicles in 2183. It would

I'm assuming, for the type of penetration you get in Dirtside II (havn't
played enough with the SGII version to say 100%), that missle warheads
have largely kept pace with armor developments.

> Maybe you like your light troops bristling with heavy anti-armour and
> anti-air. I find that giving them GMS/P at the squad level, and GMS/L
> at the company level gives them a lot of punch. Plus any vehicle

I do.  I generally would prefer to have GMS/L team in each platoon. 
Failing that ('coz there aren't any  figures for them yet, and I have
neither the time nor inclination to convert) I stick a team of several
GMS/Ps.  Squads carry several IVARs--if you're arguing with tanks at
long range, you're doing something wrong with your infantry.

In Dirtside, I stick 1-2 GMS/L teams in each platoon.

I can't recall what I set up at company level in light infantry
units--don't have that many Stargrunt figs, as I'm getting into that
game slowly.

> support will have GMS/H or GMS/L. And when all else fails, a bunch of
> them have either AT rifle grenades (only good against light armour or
> unarmoured vehicles) or IAVRs.

Vehicles carry only GMS/Hs.  Let's not forget--GMS/H can be carried by
jeep, easily.

John M. Atkinson

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