Re: [FT][SG][DS] Canada, the US Civil War II, and the structure
From: Jonathan Jarrard <jjarrard@f...>
Date: Mon, 14 Dec 1998 09:18:00 -0500
Subject: Re: [FT][SG][DS] Canada, the US Civil War II, and the structure
John M. Atkinson wrote:
> It is no less likely than the Communist Chinese actually having the
> logistical tail to overrun Russia, or the Saudis attacking and beating
> Iraq, Iran, and Syria at the same time, or the French not rolling over
> like a whipped dog when the Germans look at them cross-eyed, or any
> number of things that are in the official background.
Actually, I expect the French to fight like lions the next time they go
up against the Germans (in keeping with their on-again-off-again record
-- Napolean whups the Germanies, Prussia whups France, France fights
gallantly but stupidly in WWI, France rolls over in WWII. . .) They're
due for another 'up' cycle.