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Re: Canada in NAC

From: agoodall@i... (Allan Goodall)
Date: Tue, 08 Dec 1998 02:08:20 GMT
Subject: Re: Canada in NAC

On Sun, 6 Dec 1998 10:15:11 -0800 (PST), Brian Burger

>Furthermore, if anyone says anything about it, it won't be remembered
>anyway - recall that this list's archives are run by another Canadian
>Hahn) and objecting messages will...disappear...(funny, the X-Viles
>covered _this_ conspiracy...)<vbg>

Hey! Don't you be dissing the X-Files, man...

>...ever noticed how many actors in Hollywierd are Cdn? OTOH, if
>Hollywierd were farther away Canada would be better off...

More than that, have you ever noticed the number of Canadians who have
infiltrated the US news establishment? Morley Safer, Dan Rather, Keith
Morrison, John Roberts (I remember when he was J. D. Roberts, a local DJ
later host of The New Music on CITY-TV here in Toronto).

Then there's how tied the US is to the Canadian economy. Florida is
starting to hurt in their tourist industry because the Canadian dollar

Gets you to thinking...

(But if Canadians are in the NAC, who's doing all those UN peacekeeping

Allan Goodall

"Surprisingly, when you throw two naked women with sex
toys into a living room full of drunken men, things 
always go bad." - Kyle Baker, "You Are Here"

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