Re: [FT] suitable minis for Centauri escorts & cruisers?
From: devans@u...
Date: Sat, 5 Dec 1998 10:29:19 -0600
Subject: Re: [FT] suitable minis for Centauri escorts & cruisers?
Out of the mouth of -MWS- came:
[GS] Scoutship - AOG Sentri Medium Fighters
[FL] Corvette - AOG Rutarian Strike Fighters
[FF] Frigate - GW Eldar Night Wing Interceptors
[DD] Destroyer - GW Eldar Phoenix Bombers (w/o wing guns)
[DH] Heavy ('Super') Destroyer - GW Eldar Phoenix Bombers (w/wing
You're giving those lovely Eldar epic flyers to the Centauri?!?!? The
skimmers, yes, but, but... *sputter*
Seriously, wherever used, good. Only part of the new Epic line that
caught my fancy. I still think the AOG fighters are large for where
placing them, even taking into allowance for the REALLY BIG AOG ships.
However, I suppose even the smallest class of Centauri ship must
the bare necessities of civilization (pronounced with a slushy zed,
bordering on lisp), including wet bar, Jacuzzi, quarters for camp
Are you going with FT, FB rule structure, modified EFSB, or...? for your
fleets? I'm curious what you are using for the stats that are missing so
One thing I think people, who can get past squishy plastic space ships,
might look at is the MicroMachine TNG Romulan ships, particularly the
vessel. In the pasty green, it's not much to look at, but I have a few
the bronzed, and the 'antiqued' panels on swept wings certainly look
Centauri to me.
As an aside, the front has that 'flat iron' look so beloved of the
Spacefleet Tyrant and Emperor ships... *Mark: *hint* *hint*
Kewl! A post that starts where it begins: Evil Empire(tm) to Evil
Empire(tm). ;->=