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Re: [fh ot] Re: [GZG][FH] Planet types (was Re: Locations of Stars)

From: "John D. Atkinson" <j.atkinson@e...>
Date: Wed, 02 Dec 1998 01:11:58 -0800
Subject: Re: [fh ot] Re: [GZG][FH] Planet types (was Re: Locations of Stars)

Thomas Anderson wrote:

> i know, i know. but if you insist on calling your admirable greek
> the new roman empire, then there has to be a counteracting force :-).
> anyway, what's so great about being roman when you could be greek? i
see a
> vision of the Panhellenic Congress battlefleet swimming before my eyes

Hrmph.	If you have to ask!
> > > atrocity. no advanced industrial nation can survive a prolonged
> > > embargo ...
> > South Africa.
> right, because they still have apartheid there in spite of global

Yeah, global opinion was the deciding factor.  Yup, they went broke
during those 30 years of embargo.

> >  And remember, the NRE has resources of several planets to
> > play with.	What would we miss out on?  The latest drek from the NAC
> > movie industry?
> well, NRE biomechanikoi (before you get excited, that's greek for
> - it had me worried the first time i saw that, driving through some
> little nowhere town in the pelopponese ...) are capable of producing
> the wonders of modern life, i am sure, but exactly who do you intend
> sell them to? good, healthy, wealth-creating capitalism depends on
> external trade.

Really. . . who did those Terrans sell to during the pre-spaceflight
era?  I thought they mostly bought and sold among themselves.
> anyway, i mean no insult to the Arch-Warlord Basil or whatever he is
> called. please extend my respects to God's Vice-Regent amongst the
> Greeks.

Damn, and I don't have a copy of the Norwich volume that has the
exquisite answer given to the bishop of Rome who had the nerve to
address a letter to the "Emperor of the Greeks".

John M. Atkinson

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