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Re: [GZG][FH] Planet types (was Re: Locations of Stars)

From: devans@u...
Date: Tue, 1 Dec 1998 08:46:19 -0600
Subject: Re: [GZG][FH] Planet types (was Re: Locations of Stars)

My assumption is he's speaking specifically of line-of-sight weopens;
actually ballistic, too, as they'd tend to be already beyond escape
velocity. Problem is, to do it right, you'd want a medicine ball instead
a table, with double sticky tape on the bases of the figs. ;->=

The_Beast, who suddenly has a vision of someone tossing a grenade, and
has time to orbit right up behind him

Tony Wilkinson <> on 11/30/98 06:18:47 PM

Please respond to gzg-l@CSUA.Berkeley.EDU
 To:	  gzg-l@CSUA.Berkeley.EDU			      
 cc:	  (bcc: Doug Evans/CSN/UNEBR)			      
 Subject: Re: [GZG][FH] Planet types (was Re: Locations of    

>Additional category:  Smaller/Larger planets than Earth (ties in
>with gravity). Horizons!  On a Traveller Size 5 world, the horizon is
>4km away.  This obviously limits visibility and hence max range of
>John M. Atkinson
     Not really. It just means that the table IS the planets surface.


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