Re: [ds] supporting sources
From: Adrian Johnson <ajohnson@i...>
Date: Mon, 16 Nov 1998 16:29:33 -0500
Subject: Re: [ds] supporting sources
>> i'd add that ft's classic 'allie nakamura woke up in hell ...' is
>> substantially better than the honor harrison books ...
>Honour Harrington?
Honour Harrington is the heroine in a series of novels in the "Royal
Of The 18th Century In Space" tradition. There are a number of others
"Hope" series springs to mind). She is a heroic officer who always
succeeds, and does so against increasingly improbable odds as the series
progresses. These books and others of their ilk provide an interesting
look at the future, and are often well researched (in a
historical-similarities-to-the-old-days sense).
Bit pulpy though.