Re: GEV capabilities, was RE:Tank Riders {SG2]
From: Ground Zero Games <jon@g...>
Date: Mon, 16 Nov 1998 19:54:56 +0000
Subject: Re: GEV capabilities, was RE:Tank Riders {SG2]
>> Having a ride on a vehical would extend the powered armor suit's
>> operational time, and wouldn't use up those flight packs...
>certianly true. there is a technology called Helicopter In Flight
>Refuelling (HIFR) whereby naval helos can be refuelled in flight via a
>pipe from a ship. i suppose Powersuit In Ride Recharging isn't out of
>question? not only do tanks have telephones on the back (well, these
>it will be an optical fibre jack) but power sockets as well.
A nice idea; similar to the Hammers' Slammers infantry hooking up their
skimmers to the tanks' and combat cars' power while the unit is in
mode. This could be used to increase the PA's power endurance, but
also got to consider the wearer's food, water and air requirements (OK,
can go without the former two for a little while after your suit supply
runs out, and the latter can be recycled) and being able to empty the
sanitation tanks etc.... :)
I guess in a non-hostile atmosphere where the user can open the suit to
eat, drink etc., then using a vehicle power source for on-th-fly
could theoretically extend endurance to however long the guy could stand
being inside his tincan.
Jon (GZG)