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Re: Full Thrust : Electronic Warfare

From: laserlight <laserlight@m...>
Date: Wed, 04 Nov 1998 19:01:25 -0500
Subject: Re: Full Thrust : Electronic Warfare

> >> too late! doesn't MT use FMA rules somewhere?
> >
> >No. Nor does the FB. MT uses basic, enhanced and superior sensors,
> >there's no FMA mechanics (opposed die rolls, die type shifts etc)
> >involved - just D6.rolls with or without modifiers.

Jon-GZG warbled:
> I've stated on this list before, that FT will NOT be moving to the FMA
> system, in FT 3rd edition or any other subsequent version. FT will
> strictly d6 based system.
> There is always the possibility that we MAY do an FMA-system-based
> and/or starfighter game at sometime in the future, but it would be a
> completely new game - NOT any version of FT.

Good.  I play FT because it's quick and easy.  I don't play DS2, because
(Steve Jackson's "GEV", with some extra units, is about the level I'm
looking for, although I may have to do some rules bashing to get the

I do want a sensor system, as I feel that that's likely to be one of the
most important parts of space combat.  I also want it to be something I
put on a 3x5 card and not have to refer back to the rulebook to figure

(Chorus: "so what's *your* bright idea?"--okay, I'm working on it. 
serial numbers off takes a while).

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