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RE: [SG2] [DS2] Logistics

From: "Robertson, Brendan" <Brendan.Robertson@d...>
Date: Wed, 4 Nov 1998 14:02:00 +1100
Subject: RE: [SG2] [DS2] Logistics

Remember, that 4 tons per man includes life support & basic living
accommodation & facilitiesfor 1-2 weeks (minimum).  1 crew space in an
APC is usually nothing more than a jump seat, transporting the grunt
into a combat zone.

Also, when you actually draw deckplans of starships in scale (15mm or
25mm), 4 tons of space equates to a 3 x 4 m stateroom (at most) as the
extra tonnage includes corridors, lifesupport, food storage etc, etc.
(Sources: Traveller, Space Opera, Spacemaster et al.)

'Neath Southern Skies

>-----Original Message-----
>From:	Thomas Barclay []
>Is the conversion 100 tons per FT mass point?	That means each CP (if 
>there are 25 CPs in a MP would be equivalent of 4 tons. So a 1 man 
>space in an APC is the equivalent of 4000Kg of supplies? I think that 
>conversion a little quesionable. Maybe a tenth of that is more 
>reasonable (each FT mass is 10 tons). Then a CP is 400 kg which I can 
>live with. So then you'd need 5200 mass for a 30 day supply. 

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