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Re: Fleet Control System - Back on track (Was: Re: What the hell is this?) [long]

From: Kelvin Henderson <kx.henderson@q...>
Date: Fri, 30 Oct 1998 07:57:05 +1000 (EST)
Subject: Re: Fleet Control System - Back on track (Was: Re: What the hell is this?) [long]

At 08:36 AM 10/29/98 -0800, Sean Bayan Schoonmaker wrote:

>>Game Use:  Any vessel with a Fleet Con rolls a D6 at the start of each
>>and halves the result (round up).  The resultant number is the rating
>>the Fleet Con for that turn.	Ratings do not carry over from turn to
>>so that a Fleet Con can only have a rating of 1-3 each turn.
>I like this bit, though I would consider making it one or two dice
>are scored as beam batteries, giving a range of (1 die) 0-3 or (2 dice)

Well, I didn't introduce ranges as it makes it a bit complex in working
which ships can be commed to and which can't, how many you have in this
band and how many in that one.	Just a straight roll that affects all
vessels on the table made sense and kept it simple.  The suggestion of
different levels of Fleet Cons (Basic, Enhanced, Superior) made sense
seems interesting, so we could say that a Basic Con generates D3
an Enhanced one produces D6 and a Superior one produces D6+2?  This
Superior Cons far better (as they have a guarranteed minimum of three as
opposed to one), but the Mass and cost will compensate.

>>The Fleet Con can be used to either predict enemy movements or to
>>co-ordinate friendly vessel attacks.	The predict enemy movements, a
>>with a Fleet Con can force their opponent to show them the movement
>>for one of the enemy vessels for each rating of the Fleet Con (1-3). 
>>Friendly player may alter any movement orders after seeing this
>>information, but the enemy player MAY NOT.  Any Fleet Con ratings used
>>predict enemy movements CANNOT be used to co-ordinate friendly vessels
>>stated below and vice versa.
>I find this rule problematic. Any time you allow a player to modify his
>orders after all other orders have been written, you're asking for
>It invites one player to spend his points to peek and modify, and then
>the other player do the same... It adds alot of time.

O.K.  I put this rules in as an interesting aside.  I thought that the
sophisticated electronics could be used to predict enemy fleet
but as you say, its problematic.  I wasn't particularly happy with this
one, but put it up anyway to get constructive criticisms like this.

>As an alternative, particularly in larger engagements where seeing that
>order might cause the rewrite of the entire fleet (!), just the
>of the orders can be particularly powerful when fighters and/or SMLs
>involved. I don't like the peek/modification idea. A peek only system
>be better.

O.K.  Perhaps thats the best.  With SMs and Fighters, the knowledge is
powerful enough anyway.  I may keep it at just a peek.

>>Fleet Cons may also be used to co-ordinate friendly attacks.	When a
>>friendly ship activates to fire, if the friendly player has Fleet Cons
>>their force, they may use them to activate other, friendly vessels for
>>simultaneous fire.  ONE extra vessel may be activated per rating of
>>Con used.  The other friendly vessels then activate at the same time
as the
>>original choice and carry out all firing simulatneously.  Previously
>>activated vessels MAY NOT activate again in the same turn and vessels
>>activated in this way MAY NOT activate again later in the same turn.
>I like it. I would limit it to ONE point allowed for any activation,
>essentially limiting this to two ships acting at the same time without
>other player getting a word in edgewise. He could then only spend
>point on his next activation.

O.K.  Sounds good.

>>Opposing Fleet Cons may try to block any Fleet Con action by expending
>>ratings to do so.  A blocking player may only attempt to block a
>>communication or prediction, not multiple ones (ie-only blocking comm
to a
>>single ship, even if two or more are being additionally activated in a
>>co-ordinated fire attempt).  By expending a single rating, the
>>player rolls a D6.  The player being blocked also rolls a D6 for the
>>original rating used.  These rolls can be augmented by spending
>>ratings, each additional rating expended adding +1 to the roll.  The
>>who rolls highest wins the the attempt, either blocking the attempt or
>>getting it through.  You only get one chance to block a Fleet Con use.
>I don't like the idea of a point war and blocking, much less one that
>involves extra dice rolling. I say give them the points and allow them
>creatively use them to improve their tactical situation. With this
>you make it likely that "he with the most points will get his action"
>opposed to "he who uses the points he has most creatively will get the
>upper hand."

O.K.  The blocking was only there to give the other player a chance to
what could be viewed as an unfair advantage, but as you suggested with
modifications the limited actions and activations would make for more
tactical and fair play.  I'll re-write the rules with some of these mods
and post them for review later today.


   "And how do you suppose we stop them?
      Get a big red sign with the word 
	    STOP written on it?"	  

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