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Re: What the hell is this? Re: [fh] nac vexilliology

From: "Jim 'Jiji' Foster" <jiji@m...>
Date: Wed, 28 Oct 1998 11:03:40 -0700
Subject: Re: What the hell is this? Re: [fh] nac vexilliology

On Wed, 28 Oct 1998 17:06:12   Niall Gilsenan wrote:
>I'm lost..I get my email up and running properly again 

Lost? Try Hare Krishna. :)

>turned into a discussion on heraldic shields and other oddness.  
>Where did this come from?  I don't have time to wade through the
backlog of
>messages to figure it out...

When we last left our heroes:

It started as a discussion of music listned to during games. Migrated to
what national anthems might be for the future power blocs. Mutated into
a discussion about the flags and livery these power blocs might use.
Devolved into quibbles about heraldic terminology. Killed by an incensed
KoL, who is in fact, the Ultimate Sniper. :)

Somwhere in all this, some actual designs for NAC battle standards were
produced, but the website escapes me at the moment. Nifty Dan Dare
links, though. :)

If you're still utterly baffled by all this tommyrot, increase the
confusion by going to:

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