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Re: Awards and ANthems(and now some background) [OT] [HIST]

From: "John M. Atkinson" <john.m.atkinson@e...>
Date: Fri, 23 Oct 1998 00:17:15 -0700
Subject: Re: Awards and ANthems(and now some background) [OT] [HIST]

Thomas Barclay wrote:

> > bankrolled by the Rhomaioi Ministry of Barbarians.	Eventually there

> Um.... wouldn't the Nea Rhomanaioi come up with something less
> obviously insulting like the Ministry of UnderDeveloped and Oppressed
> Peoples? (grin)

Nope.  There was one other nation great enough to treat with God's
Vice-Regent on Earth (now God's Vice-Regent among the Stars) as an
equal, and that was put paid to by Heraclius.  All others are benighted
barbarians who will someday be brought back into the loving arms of the

> As an aside, current day South America is loaded with Catholics. When
> LLAR left earth, if they took a big portion of that Catholic mass,
> the LLAR is a powerful force for their chosen head of religion.... an
> off-earth power base to be sure.

But the Pope is kinda tied to Rome.  The Orthodox permit new Patriarchs
to be created and for patriarchs to change in importance.  The Patriarch
of Constantinople is now considered to be the second-highest ranking
Churchman, after the Patriarch of New Rome. For an example of this in
history, where the Bishop of Constantinople was elevated to a Patriarch,
and then to the senior Patriarch due to the City's importance in the
Empire.  The Pope's authority is tied to being Bishop of Rome. 
Off-planet is good, but it would take extreme circumstances to get the
authority of the Latin Church transferred off-planet.  Or the Latins
could always hold another schism.  Wouldn't that be a joy?

John "If we were to continue this conversation we'd REALLY have to take
it off-list" Atkinson

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