Re: Imperium/Full Thrust campaign [OT]
From: Thomas Barclay <Thomas.Barclay@s...>
Date: Mon, 12 Oct 1998 23:20:03 -0500
Subject: Re: Imperium/Full Thrust campaign [OT]
Oerjan spake thusly upon matters weighty:
> > I note that none of these ships has what I would call a spinal mount
> > from Traveller.
> No spinal mounts mentioned in Imperium (and none in the FB design
> either), so why include them in the campaign?
Well, you don't need them to simulate Imperium. But, they are a
fixture of Traveller capital ship design.
> Imperium doesn't use the Traveller background AFAIK - at least none of
> the Traveller versions I've seen have mentioned the Earth-Vilani war
> the early Human space-faring era. 'Course, I haven't read that much of
> the background material.
Au contraire. Humanity (Terrans) discovered Jump 2 before the Vilani
(who had Jump 1) or was that 2 and 3? Anyway the Terrans had a tech
advantage, and they kicked the crap out of the Vilani. This is pretty
well documented in the Traveller background (I think - but then I've
read so much Traveller that I'm not sure which book has this info).
> That's the way the game background in Imperium makes them <shrug>
Thomas Barclay
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