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Re: Silent Death minis [OT]

From: Thomas Barclay <Thomas.Barclay@s...>
Date: Mon, 12 Oct 1998 18:24:12 -0500
Subject: Re: Silent Death minis [OT]

Jeff spake thusly upon matters weighty: 
> Confused now?  :)

<Frothing Rant Mode On>

If anyone ever develops an "Intelligence Implant", I'd suggest some 
of the people at certain major games companies be the first 
candidates (well, maybe the second, after the software companies). 
It's a combination of this kind of idiocy and the poorest text 
editing (don't these guys ever even think of hiring a real copy 
editor?) that makes me cringe. AFAIK, SG2 only has a very small 
number of typos/errata, and to date, Jon hasn't done anything 
seriously brain dead (AFAICS) like re-releasing the same thing under 
a different name and serial number while releasing something else 
under the same name.... that it just plain dumb. I understand ICE, 
GW, etc all have to sell minis galore to keep the engine moving, but 
what part of that requires one to do dumb-arse things like 
renumbering and issuing something as something else? 

Mr. T, if you ever feel a temptation to do something like this, 
please resist. Add new things, sure. Fix things that are broke, fine. 
Upgrade systems to new versions. But don't lose track of what has 
been done before and how it has been numbered. But then, I strongly 
suspect that you have too large of a cranium to ever be employed at 
GW, ICE, TSR, etc.  (Thank God)

<Frothing Rant Mode Off>
Thomas Barclay		     
Voice: (613) 831-2018 x 4009
Fax: (613) 831-8255

 "C makes it easy to shoot yourself in the foot.  C++ makes
 it harder, but when you do, it blows away your whole leg."
 -Bjarne Stroustrup

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