Re: GZG FH: Blue water navy.
From: jatkins6@i... (John Atkinson)
Date: Wed, 30 Sep 1998 22:04:17 -0500 (CDT)
Subject: Re: GZG FH: Blue water navy.
You wrote:
>erm, no. that was john atkins. i would never use the term 'brown water
craft' :-) !
I'm only gonna say this once more politely, but it's AtkinsON. I know
you're not trying to be offensive, but that's a pet peeve of mine.
>> (and an extension of their missile and gunbattery capability
>> may give them limited low orbit engagement).
>it's a straightforward step from SLBM to SLASM (anti-space missile).
And not much of a step anyway. More an issue of targeting them. You'd
have to surface to target, right?
John M. Atkinson