Re: [Rules/OT] Shockforce?
From: John Crimmins <johncrim@v...>
Date: Fri, 18 Sep 1998 17:56:39 -0400
Subject: Re: [Rules/OT] Shockforce?
>I just got hold of a copy of DBI's Shockforce rulebook. Interesting
>system if a bit lightweight and over-simplified (but probably popular
>some players for precisely that reason),
>but my real reason for this post
>concerns the design/points system. I know from previous posts that a
>of list members play this, and given that the points system in SF is in
>some ways like some of the ideas that list members have suggested for
>possible SG/FMA design systems, I wondered if anyone had any long-term
>experiences with this?
>Specifically, has anyone done any kind of number-crunching excercise of
>SF design values to see if it hangs together under player-induced
stress or
>munchkinism, ie: have the values for the equipment/figure capabilities,
>advantages and disadvantages actually been worked out numerically or
>they just rule-of-thumb numbers?
>Please note I'm not asking this in order to knock another game system,
>out of genuine curiosity while we're developing FMA and other
>Jon (GZG)
Oddly enough, one of the Demonblade people just asked this today on the
Shock Force listserve. He wanted to hear if anyone had uncovered any
loopholes in the point system.
I personally cannot make any kind of judgement as to its mathematical
underpinnings, but I will say that in play, where it matters, the point
system holds up pretty well. We have not, in several months of play,
any holes in it yet. Then again, it has usually been one person
all sides of the conflict. I did learn, in my first game, that a bunch
badly armed Rabble have no real chance against a small force of elites.
put it together literally at the last second, though, and did not bother
calculating the point values of each side. I think now that I just
a larger group of rabble. And the elites using their prisoners as human
shields didn't help, really.
The Morale system, on the other hand, needs work. Lots of it.
John Crimmins