Re: [SG2] [DS2] [semi OT]PA & various B.S..was Women wargamers
From: scipio@i...
Date: Tue, 15 Sep 1998 02:00:54 -0400
Subject: Re: [SG2] [DS2] [semi OT]PA & various B.S..was Women wargamers
>In fact, one point made by someone else (can't recall the book,
>female protagonist with ex-marine military training in combat PA) was
>that you needed to be really good to use PA to full advantage (if you
>weren't you'd fall over, break stuff, hurt yourself with your high
>strength, etc.). In this series, only real pros could jack up to 400%
>muscle and reflex boost - must be rock steady or you'll twitch and
>knock your own head off. Most people run at 150-220% boost once they
>have experience. But even here we have a variance in troop quality
>meaning faster movement and more combat effectiveness.
Was it Elizabeth Moon?