Re: [FT universe] was [URL] New Star and Campaign Maps
From: laserlight <laserlight@m...>
Date: Sun, 13 Sep 1998 21:56:59 -0400
Subject: Re: [FT universe] was [URL] New Star and Campaign Maps
> > if you use the hyperspace model in the GZG timeline (which is
> > some detail in MT), then jumps are not necessarily between stars (as
> > are in, eg, 'The Mote in God's Eye'), and ships will simply make
> > a straight line from start to destination until they get there
> Actually, in my mind this makes the problem worse. If you don't
> need to go via routes between stars then there is no need during
> military campaign to bother attacking strategic gateway systems
> that 'guard' routes to your core systems. You just go straight there
> with your whole battlefleet bypassing anywhere else, and attack en-
> masse. It becomes stone-paper-scissors.
> If you need to go via routes, and can only manage 'jumps' (for
> instance) of a certain distance, then you get strategic bottlenecks,
> which are great for wargaming.
Which is why Niven and Pournelle arranged Jump Points as they did for
> Also, habitable planets? What 'are' they useful for? Room for
> population, perhaps.
In a strategic sense, they are places where your enemy could live if you
don't get there first.