Re: GZG DS2 Mikko: Genres for DS2.
From: Mikko Kurki-Suonio <maxxon@s...>
Date: Thu, 10 Sep 1998 17:14:01 +0300 (EEST)
Subject: Re: GZG DS2 Mikko: Genres for DS2.
On Thu, 10 Sep 1998, Oerjan Ohlson wrote:
> OK. *I* want to play a Mecha-inspired force in a Mayfair "Hammer's
> Slammers" game, or a Slammers-inspired force in Mecha Carnage. Can I
> this without changing the rules a lot? Is it really too much to ask
> I should be able to?
Not exactly a fair comparison, as neither of those games is marketed as
generic universal scifi game. And, actually I think you could do it in
Mecha Carnage without rewriting anything (don't expect to be king of the
battlefiled though -- only an equal contender).
> If all I got was a pile of bricks and a sack of cement, yes. However,
> that analogy doesn't hold - what you *do* get when buying DSII is the
> analogue of a fully functional flat or house designed to allow you to
> move most walls etc as you like, if you find that you don't like the
> current lay-out. (I live in such a house, and have done just that.)
Wouldn't you have gotten off with less work if you had just bought a
with the room design as you wanted it? Or at the very least as close as
Herein lies the rub: DS2 is sold as "can do anything" game. What it
can do (rather well, I admit), is Official GZG Universe(tm) or
likeness thereof. Anything else is extra work.
It suffers from the same problem I outlined with Mecha! - Yes you can
with/without X, but it's really stupid and you'll get hosed by an
who doesn't agree with that design limitation.
And frankly, I can't really see the "designed to be customized" bit.
Do we have a formula for costing new weapon systems? Err.. no.
Do we have a formula for costing new movement systems? Err.. no.
Do we have a formula for costing new defensive systems? Err.. no.
Do we have a formula for costing units based on capabilities without
reverse-engineering how they were built? Err.. no.
Do we have professionally published optional "genre modules" *I*
very early in this discussion? Errr... no.
For the record, I am not moaning. I merely stated some of the reasons
I don't regularly play DS2. Andrew has been trying to convince me I
try to change DS2 into what I like. I don't see why. It's not the only
good game under the sun, it doesn't do what I want to do, and frankly
probably better off with something else that does.
I wouldn't mind if there was a fully thought-out, playtested "Slammers
Dirtside 2" module. I might even buy such a product. But I have no
obsession that I must do Slammers in DS2.
-- (Mikko Kurki-Suonio) | A pig who doesn't
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