[URL] New Star and Campaign Maps
From: "Tim Jones" <Tim.Jones@S...>
Date: Thu, 10 Sep 1998 09:20:49 +0100
Subject: [URL] New Star and Campaign Maps
I just posted a new version of the Near Star
map plus a couple with galaxy backgrounds and
one with a set of conjectural FT background
power blocks (this was a rush job)
All created with ftmap, the results are not
bad at all.
They are in the Maps section of the FT Computer
If you want to take copies and edit them or
whatever then please do.
Being that the current maps are 7pc and a
very big FTL jump is 7ly (~2pc) what sort of
radius do we think the FT background covers.
25pc? more?? (thats a lot of stars dudes)
Tim Jones tim.jones@smallworld.co.uk
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