RE: [MIN] DS2 model/painting questions
From: Noah Doyle <nvdoyle@m...>
Date: Sun, 6 Sep 1998 20:52:20 -0500
Subject: RE: [MIN] DS2 model/painting questions
Excellent suggestions - thanks, Samuel. I'll try the Tongue Depressor
Method. Just the idea of drybrushing something that is at most 1 mm in
diameter...well, maybe it's easier than I anticipate. How do you base
them? I'm going to be ordering some of the new GZG element bases.
As for the weapon barrels, I'll have to keep them - I'm a stickler that
way. I think I have some of those assembly pliers somewhere...
-----Original Message-----
From: Samuel Reynolds []
Sent: Sunday, September 06, 1998 01:39 PM
Subject: Re: [MIN] DS2 model/painting questions
>OK, for all you DS2 mini painters out there:
>1) How do you all paint your 6mm/1/300/1/285/whatever infantry? I'm
>to be starting on my own (finally) and I'm not sure how to go about
>painting a person that small. I want them to look good, be
>for what they are, but I'm not out to win awards.
I clean and primer them (white Krylon primr), then stick 2-3 rows
on a "tongue depressor" craft stick with Plasti-Tak for an assembly
line. I paint all the faces (tan) or face plates (blue, or black if
the uniform will be blue) and hands (tan). Drybrush faces with white.
Go back and paint around the faces/faceplates and hands with the base
color. Base-coat the remainder of the figures. If hair is visible,
paint it various reasonable colors, then touch up basecoat around it.
Drybrush uniforms a lighter shade of the base color (tan for brown,
gray for black, etc.). Paint a few details and weapons as appropriate.
Maybe put a dot of color for shoulder patches.
There's probably a faster way, though. I still haven't finished
a full infantry force--though I've had lots of other demands on my
>2) Anybody got any good ideas about how to straighten the barrels of
>GHQ/C&C type tanks/APCs? The barrels are pretty close to scale, so
>are really thin. They are all bent to some degree, and my fiddling has
>just got them to look, well, less bent. I would like to acheive a
>straight barrel, especially on the tanks - that's where it's most
First: Why bother? They'll just bend again at the least touch,
until they finally break off. Maybe you could clip them off and
replace them with a bit of straight pin or piano wire.
Second: If you *really* want to try to keep them straight, get
a pair of "assembly pliers". These are the fine-nosed pliers
used to assemble parts in printed circuit boards. The business
end is about 3/4" to 1" long, 3/8" wide at the base, and 1/16"
or less at the tip, with a straight taper (so they look triangular
from above). They have a very flat, toothless grip, ideal for
straightening wire (which is, in part, what they're designed for).
Samuel Reynolds
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