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DSII WWII Variant Questions

From: "Hedglin, Nils A" <nils.a.hedglin@i...>
Date: Wed, 2 Sep 1998 16:02:49 -0700
Subject: DSII WWII Variant Questions

I recently downloaded the WWII variant from Andy Cowell's web page &
wondered how much all the newly proposed options cost?	I guesses as

Very Slow Tracked Mobility: 10% of BVP (same as LMob Wheeled, Slow
is 20%)
Half Tracked Mobility: 20% (same as Slow Tracked, between LMob & HMob

KEC weapon: 5-8? (don't have the ranges or validities with me so I'm
comparing to the other weapon system costs)

Very Light Artillery Ammo: ??

Has anyone used this variant?  How did it go?  Any suggestions for WWII
battles that would be appropriate for the fast & fluid style of DSII?

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