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[gzg-ft] RE: Modeling Solar Sail Ships

From: Doug_Evans/CSN/UNEBR@U...
Date: Tue, 25 Aug 1998 11:10:42 -0500
Subject: [gzg-ft] RE: Modeling Solar Sail Ships

You might consider the push bubble off a drink cup lid from a fast-food
place(did any Brit's answer me if these are still ever called Wimpy
Would be a very small sail for a very small ship. There are some coffee
lids with larger domes, but they have spots requireing fill-and-file. A
nail buffer would finish off with a nice smooth surface, and the
translucent plastic on the smaller ones would look thin if you didn't

I know, I know, you figure a sail would have to be opaque, but I invoke
artistic license.

Also, there's a craft product, don't recall the name, that's a liquid
plastic you dip a wire frame into and pull out a bubble form. You let
plastic harden, then you can cut to shape. I've only seen a transparent
form, but there might be others.

Years ago I mentioned taking FT II's suggestion of large scale to the
of playing in the park. Of course, I thought of using the large ST
but in the back of my mind was GW's Space Fleet ships. The Imperials
shouldn't be too much of a problem, but the Eldar always seemed to need
re-design. I still have several SeaQuest DSV's I thought would look
with wing sails to the sides, radiating masts like fingers crooked


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