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Re: /gzg/list: codes

From: "Andrew Martin" <Al.Bri@x...>
Date: Tue, 25 Aug 1998 11:02:21 +1200
Subject: Re: /gzg/list: codes

Tom wrote:
>first off, i think mr martin's suggestion is an excellent one, and i
one will use it.

    Thank you!

>just seperating the list + subject tokens and the true subject allows
confusion with non-coded messages, so might i advocate the use of
slashes as
i have done? sorry to introduce an incompatible version 'upgrade' at so
early a stage :-).

    We must be sure to allow Windows\DOS users to use "\" as well as
The truly enlightened can just use a space character, then just separate
code from the real subject content with a non-alpanumeric separator like
colon (:) or dash (-).

>is 'extra thrust' actually the name for the rules in the fleet book? is
this indeed what you were referring to? if not, we should put 'fb', for
'fleet book'.

    Full Thrust (FT), More Thrust (MT), next edition - eXtra Thrust
(XT). I
think it fits. Except for the Fleet Book (FB)! Or we could call it
for ST:TNG fans. Or FT3.

>i have abbreviated 'future history' to 'fh'.
>is this right?
    Seems OK to me. People who are really into this topic should feel
to send a better or easier to understand abreviation or mnemonic.

>we might even subdivide at some point: if we keep coming back to the UN
(its organisation, role, reraltionships with other powers - there's a
lot to
it), we might put /gzg/fh/un, but i hope this day will be a long time

    Or gzg/fh/NAC, ...FSE, ...NSL, ...PAU and so on.

>andrew - how about being the referee on this and writing up a little
instruction sheet?
    Wilco. Expect it by the end of the week.

Andrew Martin
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