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Re: GZG Players Club now online!!!

From: agoodall@s... (Allan Goodall)
Date: Sat, 22 Aug 1998 17:12:24 GMT
Subject: Re: GZG Players Club now online!!!

On Thu, 20 Aug 1998 10:05:00 +0100, Tim Jones

>This sounds identical to the FT Forum - Chat & BBS
>I set the FT Forum up to discuss and collate FT FAQ's 
>primarily but decided to make it open to all sorts of 
>FT (only) discussion.
>I its unlikely that two such sites are required or
>will generate enough traffic to warrant their continued
>existence in their current form.

Sorry about that, Tim. I must have missed the messages about this forum.
I had
so many GZG mailing list messages when I got back from GenCon (and a
bunch I
hadn't read before GenCon) that I skimmed through them and deleted quite
few. Yours must have been in it.

You're right, we probably don't need both fora. How many people not on
list are you getting to your site? I'm getting only a small number so
far, but
about 1/3 of them aren't on the mailing list. These seem to be people
who just
gravitated to Yahoo! and found the club. I suspect that Yahoo! adds the
to their main search engine, so anyone searching in Yahoo! for anything
also see the club listing. 

If we're getting radically different groups of people showing up, then
might be fine to leave the two sites as they are. However, if we're just
canibalizing each other, I'll shut down in favour of your site since you
here first.

Allan Goodall

"We come into the world and take our chances
 Fate is just the weight of circumstances
 That's the way that Lady Luck dances
 Roll the bones." - N. Peart

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