Re: GZG List Code proposal.
From: Jonathan White <Jw4@b...>
Date: Thu, 20 Aug 1998 15:50:37 +0100
Subject: Re: GZG List Code proposal.
At 08:11 20/08/98 -0600, you wrote:
>But this set of codes is too hard to remember. And I don't know
>about you, but i have trouble keeping track of stuff when I need
>a reference table for it.
Ok, drop the GZG, as someone suggested. That would give us..
>>Game Related:
>>Other game things
>>[MIN] (posts about miniatures, micro machines etc)
>>[TER] (posts about building terrain etc)
>>[TIP] (any other useful *GAME* tips)
>>Internet things
>>[URL] - post of a web page that people might like
>>[PRG] - URL/FTP of programs and utilities, spreadsheets etc
>>Secondary subjects
>>[BCK] - background info and discussion - all the politics etc
>>[ENT] - discussion about TV, movies, books etc
>>[ANN] - This one's for me. Important list messages go under this
>>subject. I *expect* everyone to read these, and I also expect all
>>to be redirected to me personally. Jon T could also use this for
>>GZG news.
>>[FAQ] - whoever is doing the FAQ, you might want to use this one when
>>you post about it
>>[OLC] - news about Paul's Online Catalogue
I think they're /fairly/ self evident actually. I would hate to have a
spearate topic for B5 *AND* for the EFSB because people are likely to be
interested in one or neither.
Most people will only have to remember the three games and 5 others, I
don't think that's too hard. As I said, it's optional anyway.
"Information doesn't want to be free, it wants to be liberated and
Jonathan White, Psychology Section, Bolton Institute
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