RE: GZG List Code proposal.
From: "Tim Jones" <Tim.Jones@S...>
Date: Thu, 20 Aug 1998 12:27:48 +0100
Subject: RE: GZG List Code proposal.
>I welcome comments and suggestions.
Most modern mailers can sort out traffic from the
senders address, thus all my FTGZG-L traffic is autofiltered.
I can't be bothered to put GZG: on every post, sorry.
If this can be done by the listserver itself - all well and
The proposed tags are OK. Any
tag system should be memorable and simple and forgiving
OT (off topic)
There are a list of recognised abbrevs on the FT
Other examples are
Tags are generally in use at moment, but unofficial
and more importantly *optional*.
If we introduce an OFFICIAL MANDATORY tag system then
there might be moaning when people forget to use it, or
incorrectly apply it...
More importantly just use meaningful subject lines and
*keep the subject line in step with the thread*. Use
*was* to denote the subject line shift if you change it.
Incorrect subject lines and over-quoting are to me the
most annoying manifestations on the list:
When a thread drifts on to a subject you may be interested
in but you nuke it unread based on its old subject line.
When a subject line says [LONG] but the followups aren't
Tim Jones
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