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Re: Space tactics

From: <maxxon@s...>
Date: Wed, 19 Aug 1998 11:01:23 +0300 (EEST)
Subject: Re: Space tactics

On Tue, 18 Aug 1998, laserlight wrote:

[Good thoughts omitted for brevity]

> And I think captains who insist on waddling in, giving the defenders
> to prepare, would also get yanked, if they survive the party.  You do
> whatever works.  The way to deal with a tactic we don't like is not to
> stubbornly say "That's stupid because I don't like it" [despite the
> that political leaders, and sometimes generals, do it all the time]
but to
> find or create reasons it won't work.  Minefields, strict application
> sensor rules, limited jump points, and restricted fuel are all
> possibilities.  No doubt there are more.
Exactly. It's nice that unlike the last time around, someone seems to
caught the point of the issue.

I outlined an attack form which I find detrimental to the game under
current rules. One must either

a) Disagree with me. Yes, it plays that way and that is exactly the way
you want the game to be played. (Fine, I have no objection as long as I
don't have to play with you).
b) Ignore the issue and hope it doesn't surface in your gaming group.
c) Devise rules that either disallow this or make it not worthwhile to
even try.

I'm a c-type of guy.

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