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Re: Space tactics

From: <maxxon@s...>
Date: Wed, 19 Aug 1998 10:52:41 +0300 (EEST)
Subject: Re: Space tactics

On Mon, 17 Aug 1998, Richard Slattery wrote:

> It's been mentioned before... if your closing to target movement 
> vector per turn is much higher than your ships sensors range, then 
> you are going to have trouble detecting the targets. 

Unfortunately, that's not really mentioned in the rules. And even if it
were, it'd raise the issue of sending one "forward observer" through
a bit ahead to relay target info to the strike ships following.

> In fact, they 
> may be somewhere completely different to where you guessed they were, 
> and at the crossing speed you have, you don't have enough time to 
> alter course to attack them. 

Yes, and that's why this only really works against "fixed" targets.

> On the flipside, lets assume that orbital early warning systems may 
> have detection capabilities at far greater distances (personally, I'm 
> using light seconds in place of MU's) This means you can have your 
> orbital massed SML launchers plant rather a large cluster of volleys 
> right in your path, 

Well, unless you have a *house*rule* about orbital SMLs, their range
any better than the ship-mounted version -- which is my whole point:
B'n'Z turns the game into single turn, "dump everything you have and
run" attack passes (with lots of *verrrry* boring "maneuvering off board
for position" turns). 

> and you don't even see them to use PD'S's on 
> because you can't see them until it's too late.

That, too, is not in the rules.

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