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Re: Vehicular Flamethrowers for SG2

From: John Leary <realjtl@s...>
Date: Mon, 17 Aug 1998 19:07:24 -0700
Subject: Re: Vehicular Flamethrowers for SG2

Kenneth Winland wrote:
>	  Howdy!
> On Mon, 17 Aug 1998, Thomas Barclay wrote:
> > Mental Note: I might drop Fallschirmjager into a hostile LZ, but I'd
> > sure soften it up with bombing, guns, etc, and give them close air
> > support. So if your fighters are all shot down, your airfield will
> > a smoking wreck (except for the runways) before my troops land. And
> > if your little truck pulls out, my stukas and junkers and
> > messerschmidts will chew it to pieces (it go boom real good) before
> > it gets anywhere too near my jump troops. I don't think its that
> > great of an idea - a desperate one -yes. Good.... probably not -
> > except for the first time when it surprises the enemy if it can
> > manage.
>	  I wouldn't want to be a Fallschirmjaeger anywhere *near* a hot
> LZ...  Remember Crete! :)
>	  Ken

     Given the two cases above as the only choices, I'll pick
number two.   The hot drop zone is vastly preferable to having MY
fighters strafing and MY dive bombers bombing while I am in the chute.

Bye for now,
John L.

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